Thursday, 28 May 2015

The lemonade approach

This is going to be a very short update, just to show I'm still alive. And meeting life's challenges with the most positive attitude.

Late last summer a neighbour and I got a small allotment.  Small is a round shape measuring 10 meter across (33 feet?). The previous, and unexperienced owner had started lots of projects, which we had to deal with first.

Kaffesoester's allotment with bed of herbs

As you can see, we have a lot of bare soil - that's where we had to cover holes, made by the previous owner. In front we've made a bed for herbs, and hopefully pumpkins. In the raised bed we have lots of strawberries,

Kaffesoester's allotment with raised strawberry bed

 and along the edge we have other berries and to small tomato plants.

Kaffesoester's allotment with bed for other berries and tomatoes

When I say we, it's me and my pregnant neighbour. We're all very happy for her! Unfortunately she's run into trouble, the worst being pelvis instability. Some days she can't walk or stand up, and under no circumstances can she do gardening...

After nearly two weeks of gardening morning to afternoon my body hurts everywhere! I'm 50 and not used to manual labour (really unfit). How very convenient then that life forces me to do open air fitness training for absolutely nothing!

As the saying goes: When life serves you lemons, make lemonade :-)

I wish I could give you close ups of some lovely flowers or fruits, but it's still very early days up here.

Instead I have this pretty flower for you:

Kaffesoester's private model

And another one here:

Kaffesoester's private model

Can you guess who it is?

Now you know what I've been up to. I have lots of photos from my shoe shopping experience last week, but that's going to have to wait for now. Tonight I'm going to dream of bracelets, necklaces and earrings because...

tomorrow is M-day - sale at Monies, my favourite jewellery artist! 

I have a limited budget, but I'm sure I'll come home with something - and you'll be the first to see :-)

Stay tuned - love Kaffesoester


  1. Your daughter? Beautiful young lady, whoever she is!
    I love the look of your circular allotment - hard work but it will bear fruit. Literally!
    Have fun at the jewellery sale. xxx

    1. Dear Curtise, you're right! It's my lively daughter :-)

      I'm not so sure about the allotment, we were down at 10 degrees celcius this past week and most fruits need more, or it'll not be sweet enough to eat.

  2. Aaaw how cute is that daughter of yours!! :) Well done keeping at gardening several days in a row, I get bored after a couple of hours. ;) You are more than welcome to have a go at my garden as well.;) Living on a farm the garden area is a little overwhelming to say the least. But all your hard work will pay off in the end as the fruits and flowers pop up. :) Oh how did that Fly London shoe mission go? And cant wait to see your haul from the Monies sale. :) By the way are you on instagram? :) Im so sorry I forgot to reply to your last comment on my blog, Im really touched that you will go game hunting for me, you are too kind. I might need your service later on. ;) Have a lovely last weekend of May, maybe summer will turn up if we are in luck. ;)

    1. Thank you so much Dear Monica! Unless we get some real summer weather it doesn't really matter what you and I do to our gardens... :-( After an extremely cold weekend I'm not in a good mood!

      I never made it to the shop with Fly London, but I hope to do so soon. I have been shoe shopping, just without buying anything. I'm going to post it tomorrow :-) Along with pictures of the jewellery sale :-D

  3. Great attitude, I am sure all your hard work will pay off and your garden will be very productive. All that exercise for free, no gym fees, now that is a bonus. Good luck with your jewellery shopping, I hope you score some lovelies. Is that lovely young lady your daughter by any chance. xx Jill

    1. Thank you very much Jill - yes, she's my daughter :-) I'm so proud of her, she looks lovely and she's such a sweet girl too. She's good with her school work, does voluntary work in some weekends and also manages to work at the library after school during the week. Good thing she hasn't inherited my love for parties at that age :-D

      The jewellery sale was fantastic - which I'll describe in detail in my next post :-)

  4. Spændende projekt - den have. Det skulle vel ikke være din datter :) smuk er hun og æblet falder ikke langt fra stammen. Jeg nåede ikke Monies, jeg så godt der var lagersalg. Det kunne have været hyggeligt, hvis jeg havde mødt dig der og vi havde stået og flået i det samme smykke. Nu er jeg jo spændt på, om du fik købt noget og hvis du fik, bliver jeg grøn af misundelse. God weekend.

    1. Kære Anne-Marie, det havde været så morsomt, hvis vi var stødt på hinanden derinde. Jeg fik så sandelig købt! Samtidig fik jeg også nydt de mange kunder - der var så mange fantastiske damer, at jeg havde svært ved at løsrive mig - og svært ved ikke at sidde og filme dem i smug!

      Og du har ganske ret: Det er min datter på billederne :-) - tusind tak! Hun ligner ellers sin far rigtig meget. Faktisk så meget at flere har spurgt om jeg er hendes stedmor!!!

  5. She's a knockout! I guess she's your daughter. Her dress reminds me of the character Ginger from the TV series Gilligan's Island. She was the movie star character.
    I see the garden, I see lots and lots of work, and then I see a table overflowing with fresh, delicious produce. Keep at it. I look forward to seeing your jewellery...

    1. Dear Melanie, you're right. She's my daughter :-) I haven't seen Gilligan's Island, but I'll have a look at imdb
      I'm afraid we've had lots of bad weather so all my gardening efforts could very well be waisted :-( Temperatures are still down around 50 degrees fahrenheit, during daytime! Nights are even colder. However, I'm now take great comfort in a couple of gorgeous new necklaces :-D

  6. Whoever she is, she is a beautiful young lady with fantastic eyes.
    Great what you did with this small piece of land. I look forward to see more of it. It is inspiring for me, because perhaps I will have a garden next year too.
    I hope you found some nice things at the jewellry.
    Sabine xxx

    1. Dear Sabine, thank you so much - she's my daughter :-)

      I do hope summer will find us soon, or some of the fruit will start to rot :-(
      With only 10 degrees celcius, in daytime, nothing will really grow. On top of that we've had lots of rain too, so depressing! However, after having had some good luck at the jewellery sale, it's so much easier forget about the weather :-D

  7. Your daughter is beautiful, Tine, and she looks like you - your smile, your eyes I think! I admire you about all that physical/muscular work and your attitude - I'm such a wuss when it comes to it. I've never seen such circular gardens, very unusual and must be pretty as gardens mature. I hope the weather is getting better and you''l have a nice rewarding harvest. :) And all the very best to your dear neighbor. xxx
