Friday, 2 September 2011

Organized shopping?

Since June I have tried to build a capsule wardrobe. But I love colour so one capsule of two colours was too little. Then I divided most of my clothes into two more capsules, a red and pink one (inspired by the dress from H&M) and a teal and green one.

Of course all the capsules share the same neutrals like my khaki jacket, grey trousers, jeans etc. The same goes for shoes and accessories which I would like to have a lot more of, in all the colours that don't suit me but I still love (like my yellow handbag and orange flats).

Almost my entire wardrobe has now been photographed and uploaded to my computer. With the whole capsule on one sheet I find it much easier to spot gaps.  As I shop a lot on the internet I can copy pictures of items I'm considering investing in and place them in the appropriate capsule. I did that with the last pair of (absolutely mad) trousers I've bought. First in the red and pink capsules, and then realizing that they could work in the teal and green one as well. It's easy to make a print of each capsule to keep in the handbag and bring to the physical shops.

I've tried the Stylebook app on my Iphone, that does something similar. However, because of small screen on the phone the pictures don't look very appealing, and you can only show a few items at a time. I think my own solution is better when shopping.

At school today I wore an outfit copied from Ariel at Artfully Awear.

It's not the first time I've turned to her blog when choosing an outfit. She is my absolute favorite when it comes to style and colour. I think she is an artist herself, reinterpreting art and artists in her outfits.


  1. I just love the brown wedges!!! Would you like to tell me where you got them? I think I need a pair of them. Best wishes for the weekend!

  2. Thank you very much! I'm not sure what shoes you are asking about since I don't have any brown shoes. The colours are a bit off on some of the photos so it could be the orange pair or the black pair. Anyway, most of my shoes are from Irregular Choice, UK. And for the record: Summer has returned to Denmark, above 20 degrees and sunshine!
